LONGTIME® Certificationfor Pellenc Products.
Pellenc has long been committed to the durability of its products and has now been rewarded with LONGTIME® certification for 4 of its professional tools.
Sustainability,a Pellenc requirement
LONGTIME®,a tool againstplannedobsolescence

“We are proud that manufacturers are using the label to objectively inform consumers about the sustainability of the products they sell to consumers. Committing to the LONGTIME® approach means demonstrating transparency and we are delighted that Pellenc has joined this approach.”

“This LONGTIME® certification achieved by Pellenc is a qualification and endorsement of why we sell and promote Pellenc for all the right reasons.
In this throw-away, technology-driven world and dare I say with the increasingly common buy-it, wear-it-out, replace-it power tool and battery tool industry, how refreshing that the Pellenc quality shines through and endorses our company/business beliefs in the circularity and long life of quality products.
If it can last the distance and then be repaired and reused or re-sold, it’s got to be better for this planet and the customer in the long run. Well done Pellenc – another great reason for our trust in your products!”