The Sandspreader has been developed and produced in our Dutch, energy neutral industrial plant. All materials used are of premium quality. Take for example the S355 MC steel and Bucher hydraulics. The choice of these derives from the experience of our contractor division. Our machines can take a few knocks!
Furthermore, the Sandspreader is available in four different designs, which range from 1 m3 to 4 m3. The SP100 is suitable for assembling on a turf truck: the ProGator, Truckster or Workman for example. However, it can also be delivered with four pivoting balloon tires. Other designs are provided with four pivoting balloon tires, for the perfect distribution of the weight on your sports pitch or golf course.
With the standard design, you can set the speed of the conveyer belt and the disc spreaders by means of a control unit attached to the Sandspreader. The shape and design of the sand bunker ensures an efficient operation and ensures your clear view of the machine. The sand is transported by means of a conveyer belt to a metering valve, which, optionally, is also available as a hydraulically adjustable metering valve. The double, hydraulically powered, spreading discs are adjustable on multiple points and in this way the Sandspreader enables you to create the perfect sand distribution.
The Sandspreader is available with several options. A touchscreen will provide you complete control from the tractor. Moreover, a conveyer belt on the front will enable you to use the Sandspreader as a buffer machine.