Used Classen HSC185E
Hydrostatic Turf Cutter | Used | Ex Demo
£5,550 + VAT
Turf Cutters Save Hours of Work
Growing new turf from seed takes months. For instant gratification… turf replacement is the answer! In order to establish new sod, the existing turf, as well as a good portion of the existing root soil, needs to be removed at a consistent depth to establish the new sod’s root system.
A turf cutter is a dedicated tool used for one job and one job only – to cut through turf at an appropriate depth easily and productively. Walk-behind turf cutters can offer a variety of blade widths, from as little as 12 inches on up to 24 inches.
What Counts in Turf Cutting for Landscapers or Greenkeepers
When cutting a foundation for a pathway or structure, a levelled cut is important and can cut the labour of a project down considerably. Centre blade placement is the key to a level, consistent cut. When cutting tree rings or shapely patterns, a rear swivel wheel makes manoeuvrability much easier.
- A simplified machine that’s serious on turf
- Short unit length and integrated rear swivel wheel make the PRO Sod Cutter the most compact and manoeuvrable turf cutter in the industry!
- Fastest transport speed in the industry, up to 4.7 mph and powered reverse.
- Advanced vibration dampening system for operator comfort – NEW modified cam design means less vibration than ever!
- Improved user-friendly controls for ease-of-operation
- Classen offers the most blade sizes in the industry.
- 18” blade standard. Optional 12″, 16″or 20″ blade assemblies are available
- Ex-Demo and still comes with 2-Year Warranty
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