Perfect Pitch Aeration
Put the perfect punch into your pitch aeration!
Sports surfaces benefit from regular aeration and surface maintenance to cultivate turf growth and to promote the general health of the sward and root structure. A good program of spiking, slitting and deeper vertical tining will, with good practice, assist in improving and maintaining surface drainage, water percolation, and the ingress of dressings and feeds.
Explore our Perfect Pitch Aeration product ranges:
Surface Aeration Simple Spikers
Explore Our Simple Spiker Range!
A Spiker with mechanical action, tine weighted drum, pierce tine entry and rotational action relief and return-rolling forward action. Self-propelled or tractor-mounted, this is the simplest tine method with tines up to 4”. Fixed hole pattern and a choice of hollow or solid tines.
For small to medium budgets, simple spikers employ a simple system that benefits from long life and straightforward maintenance. Small to medium size tractors required, or pedestrian models for smaller areas.
Sisis Multitiner
1.2M / 1.8M
Rolling Drum, linkage mounted. Tractor-mounted, mechanical non-powered spiker. Couples to the tractor with 3-point linkage. Simple, rotary action, rolling drum with tine bar and tine penetration of up to 4”. Solid or hollow tines. 24-month warranty.
There is also a pedestrian alternative in the Sisis Supaturfman with a 40cm working width.
Surface Aeration Punch Action Spikers
Explore Our Punch Action Spiker Range!
Punch action, mechanised Aeration up to depths of 6” with a vertical punch crank-driven tine action. Varied hole patterns available and tines from ⅝” to ¼”. Tractor-mounted or self-propelled.
For medium budgets, surface punch action spikers work in shallow to medium depth and use a simple operation to spike or core at speed. Small to medium size tractors required, or pedestrian, self-propelled models for smaller areas.
8120CTM / 12180TM
1.2M + 1.8M
Tractor-mounted mechanical pto-powered Spiker aerator. Punch action Aerator with solid or hollow tines, to a depth of 6”. Fits most compact tractors with 3-point linkage mounting and pto drive. Large range of aeration patterns, working depths and operating speeds.
Quick change tines and tine heads. Range of solid and hollow tines and an assortment of varied tine holders to give choice of hole patterns from 4”x 4”, 4”x3” down to multi-point close patterns for light surface aeration and seedbed preparation.
Strong build and construction. Proven long life. 24-month warranty.
Pedestrian models are available too in the 345HD and 460HD models, with 45cm and 60cm working widths.
Another pedestrian alternative is the Sisis Dart with a 40cm working width.
Surface and Deep Aeration Slitters
Explore Our Surface and Deep Aeration Slitter Range!
Deep Slitting with simple deep slitter slicing action and hardened tines from 6” up to 11”. Multi-tine points on a varied-width drum with working depth controlled through ballast or adjustment on the machine. Also to work over the surface at speed.
For lower budgets and regular use, slitters are the ultimate in simplicity, with fewer mechanical moving parts than most aerators and easy tine-change. Variance of working width from 1.2m to 2.5m and to suit a range of tractors from small to large with rolling-action slicing tines or self-propelled pedestrian models.
RTM Suffolk® Eco Slit Compact
RTM Suffolk® Eco Slit
1.2m + 1.8m
The simplest, purest form of surface aeration. Tractor-mounted with a 3-point linkage. Low cost. Variable depth method. Couples to tractor from small to large with tine depth up to 10” / 250mm. 24-month warranty.
Sisis Multislit
These tractor-mounted slitters give outstanding underground cultivation due to the angle of the tines and spiral design of the tine shaft, which assist penetration. In addition, its simple design requires little maintenance.
Suitable for tractors 18hp upwards. Tine depth 6” or 8”.
Suitable for tractors 30hp upwards. Tine depth 7” or 9”.
Suitable for tractors 45hp upwards. Tine depth 9” or 12”.
There is also a pedestrian alternative in the Sisis Autoslit with a working width of 90cm and a tine depth of 6″.
Surface and Deep Aeration Vertical Tines
Explore Our Surface and Deep Aeration Vertical Tines Range!
Deep punch and plunge action applied to the tines from a tractor-mounted Aerator. Tines are driven vertically deep into the turf with a mechanised punch action, tine angle relief and the added advantage of variable heave action. Working depths to 8”, 12” or 16” depending on conditions and tractor power.
For medium to large budgets, these vertical tine machines are suitable for small to large tractors from 25hp upwards and with a choice of working widths: 1.2m, 1.6m, 2.1m and 2.6m.
Selvatici Aeroking
1.2m | 1.6m
Tractor-mounted deep aerator and compaction relief vertical drainer. Multi-tine heads with deep punch action – 250mm solid tines 1/2” or 3/4” (13mm or 19mm).
3-speed gearbox for variation of operation speed and tine pattern. Fully depth-adjustable front roller for precise tine depth and presentation. Full-width rear roller for follow-up surface rolling and conditioning. Steel guards with easy access to maintenance points and tine heads. Three-point linkage mounting with heavy-duty pto shaft. 24-month warranty.
Requires – operator training, set up and a fully compliant Tractor of 25hp and upwards for the 1.2m and 35hp and upwards for the 1.6m – with good lift capacity.
GKB Deep Tine Aerator
1.2m | 1.6m | 2.1m | 2.6m
Tractor-mounted deep aerator with adjustable heave angle up to 25 degrees. 3-speed gearbox for adjusting the speed of the tines and tine pattern. It is fitted with heavy-duty sealed bearings on the crankshaft for minimal maintenance.
Suitable for tractors 18hp upwards. Tine depth 10”.
Suitable for tractors 35hp upwards. Tine depth 12”.
Suitable for tractors 55hp upwards. Tine depth 16”.
Suitable for tractors 65hp upwards. Tine depth 16”.
We can help you find your Perfect Pitch Package!
Package Details
When maintaining your pitches and surfaces is key but finance and funding restrict the level you can stretch to, our Perfect Pitch Junior Combo package will fit the bill.
Iseki 23.6hp Sub Compact Tractor with hydrostatic transmission and 1.5M RTM Suffolk® Turf Groomer System. The combination will undertake the key tasks for any Pitch Manager.
Upgrade to a 1.5M Wessex Fine Turf Finishing Mower with Roller so you can cut and maintain.
Package Details
This is the perfect package for complete sports pitch maintenance, improving the surfaces for the players whilst making life much easier for grounds staff at the same time. As simple as 1, 2 3.
Iseki 25hp lightweight compact tractor with hydrostatic transmission, Sisis 1.8m Quadraplay Multi-Purpose Maintenance Tool and Wessex 1.8m Finishing Mower.
Package Details
If you’re managing larger areas, this Maxi package will give you the extra tractor power to operate a bigger mower and Quadraplay, allowing you to cover the area more efficiently in less time.
Iseki 40hp Premium Economy Compact Tractor with hydrostatic transmission, Sisis 1.8m or 2.4m Quadraplay Multi-Purpose Maintenance Tool and Wessex 3.2m Fine Cut Tri-Deck Sports Roller Mower.
Package Details
Our biggest Perfect Pitch Package, the Maxi Combo Plus gives you the greatest tractor power to pull the biggest maintenance tools, enabling you to cover the biggest areas in the shortest time.
Iseki 55hp Premium Economy Compact Tractor with manual transmission, Sisis 1.8m or 2.4m Quadraplay Multi-Purpose Maintenance Tool and Wessex 3.2m Fine Cut Tri-Deck Sports Roller Mower or 2.4m Dual Roller Mower.